Case Study Method

To what extent may findings be generalized from a single case study?

Case study is one of the qualitative research methods that could be use to study psychological problems. It gives an in-depth investigation of human experiences, but it could only represents the particular individuals or groups. Case studies aren’t always perfect and quantitative researchers started to argue, to what extent may findings be generalized from a single case study?

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Blood Pressure V.S. Type of Music

Aim: The aim of the experiment is to determine  whether the music can influence on blood pressure.

Hypothesis: Quiet and calming music can reduce blood pressure

Independent Variable: Type of music (Calming music vs rock music)

Dependent Variables: Blood pressure

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Does Social Media Make People Smarter or More Stupid?

In our current century, technology is being more advanced. We are now living in the world that is full of media platforms all around us. It seems to be normal when we see people in the subways looking into their phones or seeing couples in a cafe texting rather than chatting with each other. Social media is certainly a prof of our development, but as it takes up a huge portion of our life, does social media make people smarter of more stupid?

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